Play Overseas With Inside Running Sports Management
New Zealands and Australians have one or two things in common, our forbears fought two World Wars together, we love giving each other grief and both nations are intrepid travelers. The famed OE is a right of passage for thousands of Antipodeans. What better way to combine your time exploring the globe with a season or two playing club rugby abroad? You don’t have to be Mitre 10 Cup or Shute Shield level athlete to enjoy the numerous benefits rugby has to offer. Grassroots and suburban clubs also need to bolster their playing rosters. Clubs at all levels are eager to offer a flight, a place to stay, some paid employment and a new team to join. If travelling and exploring the world is your primary motivation don't get too hung up on playing level or location. Contrary to popular believe a very small number of clubs offer match fees or retainers. The vast majority of rugby players in the world are amateur and have to go to work to pay their bills, just like the...